Community Rehabilitation

Support your patient's independence and recovery with APM's range of ACC 
and private assessment and rehabilitation services throughout Aotearoa. 

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Our services

APM provides the following ACC Community Rehabilitation Services in all locations throughout Aotearoa. 

  • Training for Independence Service
  • Social Rehabilitation Needs Assessments
  • Support Needs Assessments

To request a referral to these services with APM, contact ACC.

ACC Training for Independence (TI) Service

This is one of ACC’s Community Rehabilitation Services to support independence and recovery following an injury. 

The purpose of the TI service is to restore and or maintain a client’s independence and ability to participate in their everyday activities and within their wider community to the maximum extent practicable.

This service is broken down into four contracts.

APM is proud to deliver all four contracts across Aotearoa.

ACC Social Rehab Needs Assessments (SRNA)

The SRNA service helps to assess what supports may be required to help your client’s injury-related needs and assist them to live as independently and safely as possible. 

There are two types of assessments: 

Integrated Rehabilitation Assessment (IRA) 

This may look at a cross section of issues and potential supports.

Single Discipline Assessment (SDA)

This is a more specific assessment request generally looking at one particular issue and equipment assessment.

Patients may be referred to a physiotherapist, occupational therapist, nurse, speech language therapist, dietician, or social worker. 

ACC Support Needs Assessments (SNA)

A SNA is a detailed needs assessment for individuals living with as serious injury or disability and is designed to determine what kind of help is required. 

This assessment is carried out by an occupational therapist with extensive experience and involves a comprehensive assessment and detailed recommendations. 

Wheelchair and Seating Assessments

APM has a team of experienced therapists who can provide ACC and privately funded wheelchair and seating assessments to support people with injury or disability.  

How to refer

If you have a patient with a current ACC claim who is off work and would benefit from these services, contact ACC and request a referral to APM.

If you would like to discuss any of the Community Rehabilitation Services for private patients, please contact us through the form below.

Our teams look forward to helping you and your patient achieve their health and recovery goals.
